Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Obama Endorses DOMA Repeal Bill

Obama Endorses DOMA Repeal Bill: "As you doubtlessly know, Senate Democrats are spearheading a bill to repeal DOMA. The bill should get its first Senate hearing tomorrow. Today the president endorsed the bill, which is titled the Respect For Marriage Act. Reactions below.

Human Rights Campaign
We thank the President for his support of the Respect for Marriage Act. He has repeatedly expressed his desire to see the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act repealed and his Justice Department has taken the historic step of ending its defense of that odious law in court. By supporting this legislation, the President continues to demonstrate his commitment to ending federal discrimination against tens of thousands of lawfully married same-sex couples.
Courage Campaign
We are delighted that today, on the eve of a historic Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, President Obama endorsed the Respect for Marriage Act. It is rare that a White House endorses a bill that has yet to pass first in either the Senate or the House. President Obama’s decision to do so underscores the urgency with which the Defense of Marriage Act must be repealed. His support makes clear to all Americans that the Defense of Marriage Act has no place in our society.
Subscribe to Joe.My.God.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Meaning of Lady Gaga's Video Alejandro

I didn't get it at first, but the message is very cryptic and symbolic and now it makes complete sense and I am so blown away by her! It is genius poetry at its best. I'll try explain it as best I can by reciting parts of the song and the video. Also keep in mind how in the interview with Larry King when he asked her "what are your views on religion," Gaga said that to her religion and the church are 2 different things.

In the video, Gaga is not Gaga. She represents religion/the church. And Alejandro, to my amazement, represents God/religion. Now, the video is about the struggle of gay people with their relationship with religion/the church. We all know how the church views us gay people right? We are little less than human, a disgrace and an abomination in their book. A gay person's biggest conflict is not being accepted by the church and not given basic rights to live and love or marry their true love.

* * * * *

When you see the video again, please replace "Alejandro" with "God" and replace "She" with "the church."

In the video when Gaga is dressed in black looking out the window, she represents religion or God depending on what part of the song/video its at.

It starts off symbolically with a gay man conflicted and torn saying to God "I know that we are young, and I know that you may love me, but I just cant be with you like this anymore.. Alejandro. (God)

When Gaga is dressed as a nun she represents religion as a whole or the church as a whole, depending on what part of the song/video its at.

When Gaga is in black holding a bloody heart with a nail thru it and a coffin following behind her.

I think this represents either "the sacred heart of Jesus" or "true love" and religion is inside the coffin.

When Gaga sings "She's got both hands in her pocket and she wont look at you wont look at you."

I think this represents the church giving us gays the cold shoulder, not caring about us, not even looking at us or acknowledging us as equal to others.

When Gaga sings "She hides true love in her bolsillo, shes got a halo around her finger around you."

I think this represents the church denying us true love, the halo is our right for marriage being denied to us and using it against us to control us.

When Gaga sings "Dont call my name dont call my name, Alejandro. I'm not your babe I'm not yur babe, Fernando, dont wanna kiss dont wanna touch just smoke my cigarette and hush, dont call my name dont call my name, Roberto."

This could represent the gay man/people calling out to a God (Alejandro, Fernando, Roberto in different religions Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Elohim) or God himself talking back to men but the church gets offended or sees it as a ridiculous attempt and wont comfort or help the gay man/people who is calling out.

When Gaga sings "Stop, please just let me go, Alejandro, just let me go."

Just replace "Alejandro" with "God/religion"

When Gaga sings "You know that I love you boy hot like mexico rejoice, at this point I gotta choose, nothing to lose."

This represents the gay man/people expressing that at this point he's gotta choose between being himself/true love and with God/religion/the church.

When Gaga is eating the prayer beads.

This represents religion being forced down on us.

At the end when Gaga looks like she's having an orgy with all the men, its not that at all and its not that she is being raped by them either.

This represents that the gay men all around her are stripping religion/the church off of them.

At the end when there is a man sitting on a bed holding a gun and strings holding him up and Gaga (as a nun) dead on the bed.

This represents the gay man/people that chose to ignore the bad views and opinions of the church. The church was pulling him around by strings.

This ties back around to the beginning of the video, religion is dead in the coffin and Gaga dressed in black is holding the dead bloody heart.

Now watch the video again and you'll see how it makes sense!

Monday, February 15, 2010

I hate Mosquitos!

Many people that know me, know that the 3 things I hate the most in this world (in order) are: 1. Mosquitos 2. Ignorant homophobic people and 3. Injustice

Thankfully the first one might finally be able to be taken out of this world! Check out what I came across today: (heres the link)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Haven't Been Blogging in A While

The title pretty much sums up this post LOL! Although I have been checking out different blogger templates to give it a nice appeal. Phantasmagoria does have an artistic look to it but some parts dont seem to work right because of the coding..and I DONT KNOW coding =/
Speaking of my Phantasmagoria blog, I ran into this cool poster of an upcoming movie by Marylin Manson called Phantasmagoria!! =D
It definetly sounds like a movie i'd like to watch, plus it's Manson's first attempt to be a filmmaker.
Here is the synopsis:

Victorian England.

A haunted writer in an isolated castle is tormented by sleepless nights and visions of a girl named Alice. He finds himself becoming a symptom of his own invention.

“Now all my nightmares know my name.”

He is Lewis Carroll. Terrified of what waits for him each night.
Check out the Wiki page description.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Alice In Wonderland

Tim Burton's new movie Alice in Wonderland is gonna be friggin awesome! I mean look at these pictures of the cast!! I am such a HUGE Tim Burton fan; i love all his movies, short stories and all his characters. He is like a total genius to me and I greatly admire his unique artistic vision in everything he has done. Nightmare Before Christmas is my all time favorite from his movies, but I'd say Alice In Wonderland might just top it now. Its still a Disney movie tho, so let's hope the people at Disney dont screw things up and start limiting what he wants to do with the movie. I can't wait!! =]

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Standing Up For Who You Are

*** I took this from Gabriel's Motivation in a bottle...
I really liked the way he expressed his view, and I agree with him completely.

In today's society people seem way to occupied with survival. People focus all their energy and time in keeping a job or making money.

Personally, even I sometime find myself denying who I am because it make someone else uncomfortable. That is wrong. I know it. But, sometimes the fear of losing a job or not having the approval of my peers makes me switch into self preservation mode. Whether its being afraid of acting too gay, or ignoring a comment that was said because you/I don't want to make someone else uncomfortable. It's simply wrong. I know for a fact that those who disapprove of you will do so no matter what you do, and the more you try to get them to like you - the more they will in turn openly disrespect you. So its better to just be who you are, express yourself how you like and let what's going to happen happen.

All this is especially true when your dealing with a person that is feeling uncomfortable around you based on some bias or bigoted idea they hold. Don't let their myopic ideas or dogmas poison your own. And it happens, a lot. These are some examples I've seen:

-People being afraid to be too gay because of fear they will offend someone.
-People who form opinions about societal/political issues based on trying to agree with someone, as opposed to actually life experiences.
-People who don't socialize based on being afraid of not being accepted.
-People who have changed political parties either to agree with someone or to take revenge on someone.
-People who try to look religious to be liked or to please.
-People who buy into gossip or hatred of another person to agree with someone or be liked.

I'm sure many of these we have all seen. It's sad and disappointing that people have to go to these lengths in order to feel security. I don't think social or job security should be so valuable as to compromise self security.

Now, I'm not going to lie and say I hold this to be true for everyone. Do I think a bigot that hold hatred and disdain for gays should be able to freely express themselves? No. I'm know that might look one sided, but I'm a firm believer in do what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt/suppress another. Someone being flamboyant at work or in a restaurant doesn't stop someone else from being happy. But, talking or expressing bigotry does make someone fearful to be who they are, in turn making them unhappy (if the bigotry your expressing it towards Blacks, Asians, Jews, Gays, Muslims, Women...etc.).

Picture this - A black person is in a restaurant eating. In the table next to them there are a group of individuals making racist jokes and hateful comments against blacks. The black people would want to leave, no? The racists should be told to stop or kicked out, right? The difference between being Asian or Black and Gay or Jewish is that somethings people can hide and somethings people can't hide. You can't hide being black but you can hide being gay.

If you were to tell this same scenario with a gay person instead of a black person, you would probably say for the gay person to stop acting flamboyant or to act straight to stay out of harms way. Your first instinct probably wouldn't be to say that the anti-gay comments stop, right? Think about it. Things like being Jewish or Gay are easily hidden. But, should they have to be hidden? No. Never.

To close this up, people should be who they are as long as it's not stopping anyone else from being who they are. If you're offended because someone is expressing racist or hateful ideas against you, your justified in being offended. If you're offended because someone is being themselves and you just don't like it, even though it truly doesn't have anything to do with you...your a bigot.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Glad to have Sonia Sotomayor

I'm very happy to have a non old white man as a new supreme court judge. It's funny, yesterday morning on the radio (93.1), they were discussing exactly the same thing about how we have nothing but OLD white men as the supreme court judges of this country. As they were saying on the radio, "how do you expect 70 year old men to behave and think like? 70 year old men with 70 year old frames of minds!" no wonder we have a flaud way of choosing the right laws. And that is ofcourse one of the reasons why there are barely any gay rights. Because these old farts dont have a single gay friend!! Thank the gods for Sotomayors fresher an younger, more in tune to the real world mind frame. Hopefully she has a gay hairstyler keeping her looking great! :D

-- Post From My iPod Touch